We help new CEOs elevate legacy brands

We work with conscious CEOs to build conscious brands. We take companies on the verge of a milestone to the next level. Whether it's design or strategy, we base all our projects on our client's values, long-term goals and the inner character of the given brand.

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, it's more important than ever to create a brand that is authentically aligned from the inside out.
Only then can you truly stand out and capture the hearts and minds of your audience.

Strategic branding

Elevate Brandbook

A graphical brand strategy book, which is essential for brand operation—this is what the love brands and industry leaders work with.

Graphic design

Classic design graphic services built on a strategic foundation. Great design should not be limited to the Fortune 500 companies.

Web design

From copywriting to coding—the latter is done using no-code/low-code tools, making the company budget also happy!


Co-design workshop

A well-coordinated workshop is a problem map and solution simultaneously. We provide the tasks; you bring yourself and your team!

Elevate BrandLauncher Bootcamp™

With our service validated in Start it @K&H's incubation program, we help you quickly launch new products, services, and spin-offs. Intensive branding crash-course.

Brand audit

Insight research

Often, committed clients can provide the most helpful information. That's why we reach out to them.

Elevate Brand Scoreboard™

How can branding be measured? We have developed a framework, examining nine parameters according to 100 criteria.

Competitor analysis

Classic desktop research based on the logic of the Elevate Brand Scoreboard™—a complete brand review that is fast and efficient.


Question, request, inquiry


Photos, videos, stories


Facebook dressed in a suit



Paris Noble

Co-founder, strategy

Zoltán Horváth

Co-founder, art direction

Emőke Varga

Project management

Emese Rosta

Design, UX/UI, service design

Sarolta Eszter Gyulai

Marketing, trend research

Luca Szeglet

Design, code

Anna Sztyehlik


Dávid Károlyfi


Barna Baranyai


Fanni Bánhegyi-Nagy


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